Chelsey Scaffidi
Chelsey Scaffidi
Chelsey (Ziegler) Scaffidi
Co-Founder, Social Impact Attorney, Certified Meditation + Breakwork Guide & Yoga Instructor
To Chelsey, meditation is the practice of slowing down, away from the beautiful chaos of life and calling energy back to yourself to recharge. She believes that we all are have a lot to offer this world and meditation has been a longtime safe and supporting practice whether with a group of close friends or a place to discover the gentle stillness of one’s self.
Expect to leave one of Chelsey’s classes renewed and ready to go back into the flow of life.
Plant, flower or tree that most represents you:
A Dahlia. Every time I see the multitude of small petals that make up the whole I am reminded that we are all multi-faceted human beings with many parts to our mind, body and spirit that need tending and that long to be seen, held and supported.
A seed of inspiration:
You can always begin again - this day, this hour, this moment, you can chose a different way.
Quote you live by:
Worrying is a waste of the imagination.
Favorite spot in nature:
Among the tall trees, barefoot, sun on my face and breeze in my hair.
Why meditate?:
When we meditate, we subconsciously say to ourselves that we are worthy of this time and attention. To do this daily, is a consistent act of self love.